The actual transplant day went really smoothly (pictures and details coming soon)
Then Day 1 came... NOT GOOD
Day 2 came and Ryan woke up and one of the first things he said was,
"I can already tell... today is going to be a GOOD DAY."
He ate, walked, showered, ate some more, walked some more, slept well,
and between the past two days has lost about 15 pounds of water weight.
It really was a good day.
Sorry for the picture-less and short posts.
Days have been busy and posting hasn't been the first thing on my mind. I will try to be better and hopefully on another good day... we will hear from Ryan.
While I know that there are many of us who love to see the pics and read your updates you're doing the more important things first and that's the way it should be. Ryan is more important that Ryan's blog etc.
Hope things keep getting better!
Sorry day one wasn't good, hopefully things will just keep improving. Love you!
Glad to hear things are going good so far!
Glad he had a GOOD DAY! I wish and pray more of those on both of you......GO TEAM RYAN!!!
His 'good day' sounded like the best good day he's ever had through this experience! I'm so glad!!! We hope there are so many more to come.
Thanks for the quick update! I am addicted to clicking on this blog. I hope day 3 is going great. When do they start to know how the transplant is working?
Thank heavens for some good days! I have to also admit that I'm addicted to clicked on this blog. Don't worry about the short posts etc. You just enjoy Ryan and family, and we pray that Ryan will enjoy many more good days.
Praying and thinking about you all,
The Varela's
We're SO GLAD Day 2 was good. It is nice to know how Ryan is doing, but we know your first priority is him and your kids, Margie! Don't worry about not posting.
We are happy things went well with the transplant. Heres to more and more GOOD days!
Thats great news!! A good day for Ryan means a good day for everyone - especially you.
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