Follow along and read about how Ryan spent his final days surrounded by those he loved the most... his FAMILY.

You can follow my blog at: Our life in Letters to Ryan

March 1, 2010

What we know...

Since Ryan has been admitted, they take the daily blood labs to check his WBC, and a BUNCH of other things, they have been running blood cultures every time he runs a fever (which has been almost daily), they have done a chest X ray(to check for any chest/respiratory problems) and an echocardiogram (they found fluid around his heart and wanted to be sure everything else was working okay there).
Here is what we DO know:
-All test results that have come back thus far have all been negative
-His daily blood labs are still not looking good.
The Dr's believe it could be 1 of 3 things that are causing Ryan to be sick:
(graft vs host, which is the body rejecting the donor cells)
So what happens next?
Liver biopsy and the DREADED bone marrow biopsy.
Ryan is currently finishing up his blood transfusion and he will then start his platelet transfusion. When all transfusions are done, he will be wheeled down into the Interventional Radiology Lab where he will have his LIVER biopsy done.
Tomorrow he will have his bone marrow biopsy done. These results of these two tests should give the doctors the much needed answers that we are all waiting to hear.
In the meantime, we all just wait until we find out more.
Ryan is not happy to be here. He just wants to be back home... where we ALL want him to be.
Thank you for all the PRAYERS...keep them coming!

PS... Ryan just woke up and I read him what I wrote on the blog. I asked him about a song to put on for this post and this was one of the FIRST ones that came to his mind... it brings a smile to my face! Let's hope that Ryan is out these doors soon and ON THE ROAD AGAIN!!!


The Kindle Family said...

Our family is praying for your recovery!

Heather said...

We're praying for you! Hope for a quick and easy solution.

Stephanie said...

I just stumbled onto your blog, and though I don't know you, I thought I would leave a comment of encouragement. Cancer is a beast; we learned that when my brother was diagnosed 23 years ago. But it can be beat! Be strong, love each other, and endure it all! Go Team Ryan! Good luck!

kristin said...

Good luck Ryan, we will be praying for you and for the miracles to continue. :)

You are such a great example of strength and courage in the face of trials to me. Thanks!

Janet + Craig said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Ryan and your whole family! So sorry to hear this.

Ashley said...

We love you guys. Let's get Ryan home!!!

Katelin said...

Sounds like you've got the right attitude that will help you to all be on the road again very soon!! Good luck, and we're praying for you so much!!

V and Co. said...

oh man! NO! when i got the email i was not happy to read it!
your family will be in our prayers! please keep us posted. -V

Brooke Hunt (aka Mr. Burns) said...

You guys have been on my mind this weekend. I am sorry he's back in the hospital, but at least he's there, being monitored & getting help right now... you guys can beat this & get him home. You guys are still in our prayers :) We'll look forward to smiley news tomorrow! Stay optomistic-

Steve Tanner said...

Ryan, I'm praying for you and your family. I really need you to get better because I have this huge thing on my foot I need you to cut off. Ha Ha! Hang in there Bud.

Kristen Ann said...

I'm sure this is hard. I have never stopped praying for you guys! Keep fighting!

peter said...

Hey Ryan, I can have your truck running like a top when you get out so you can soak up all the 10 mpg where ever you want to. Be strong, my girls still haven't stopped praying for you and I haven't either.

Agnes said...

Thanks for the update Margie. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Love the song! Ryan will be on the road again soon!

Love you guys!

Agnes and Tim