Follow along and read about how Ryan spent his final days surrounded by those he loved the most... his FAMILY.

You can follow my blog at: Our life in Letters to Ryan

March 3, 2010

Last day of biopsies

Ryan got back from surgery, alone and in pain. Luckily, the combo of post-anesthesia grogginess and pain meds helped Ryan to get some sleep and a little more comfortable. He did need more transfusions (platelets and blood), so they started with the platelets first. He wasn't alone for too long, after only a few hours he was greeted by some very special visitors... his parents!

He slept on and off for most of the evening. When he was awake, he was in pain and really uncomfortable. Laying down put too much pressure on his chest, laying upright made him slide down the bed. He kept saying, "I just want to sleep on my stomach." One time I jokingly replied, "Ry, that's like me wanting to ride a bike after having a kid... it's just NOT gonna happen."

So after adjusting the bed and himself MANY times... we finally got him comfortable:

...completely upright with the foot of the bed inclined and some pillows under each arm :)

Tonight he has been woken up for vitals, pain meds and to empty this guy:
the Jackson-Pratt drain.

During the night he would wake up and say (as his eyes were rolling to the back of his head) that crackers and cheese sounded good. I told him I would go to the store, but he was usually half asleep and telling me to stay, not go. After two times of talking about crackers and cheese, I headed off to the store for a late night snack.

When I got back to the room, Ryan was WIDE AWAKE and VERY excited.
Here he is after he was finished:
Such a HAPPY Ry!
It's GREAT what some rest, better position and a little morphine and OXI will do for you!
He is now comfortable and asleep... probably dreaming about cars, 1970 Chevy Trucks and other such things.

Lastly, I couldn't forget this lovely picture form my littlest photographer. An up close picture of my bed tonight
...the window seat.

How happy I am to be here tonight. After a week of being husband-less at night, we are TOGETHER once again.
I also need to give a special thanks to the WONDERFUL staff here. There are some nurses that really go ABOVE and BEYOND, and it means so much!
Thank you for all your hard work and for making this stay as GOOD as it could be.


peter said...

Thanks for all the updates Margie. I hope that today is a good one and that all the results come back soon. Keep it up Ryan.

Katelin said...

I was just catching up--man, what a crazy few days. Keep up the good attitudes, and I'm glad you got those cheese and crackers for that hungry guy. Glad they're getting some things figured out, and glad they used anesthesia--seriously, why was that even a question? So glad his parents could come in to help out again--you will get through this!! You're amazing--all of you!

Ryanne said...

Sometimes I don't know what to day except that we're thinking of you and praying for you and you're amazing! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Margie I think you found your other profession with this webpage design, updates etc!! Your Dad and Mom have kept us updated! I big shout out to your Dad who literally dropped everything to come be with you and the kids within hours of your phone call! As parents we are there for our kids 150%!! We hope you guys will be able to come visit CA this Summer!

Kim said...

Cheese and crackers will brighten anyone's day! :) I'm so glad Ryan was able to get some sleep and that you guys can spend more time together, now that Ryan's parents are there. We are praying for you and are eager to hear GOOD NEWS SOON!!!

Miranda said...

I love that he craved cheese and crackers, that's kind of random. I keep thinking about how this hospital stay is different than the last time. ARen't you glad Ryan can actually eat? and, I don't mean from a bag. :) Hospital stays are never fun, though. Hang in there.

Mindy Burns said...

We love you guys so much!!!!! I'm just still amazed at both of your strength!!!!

Tim said...

I love the last pic of Ryan (and admire and am envious of the beard)! Thanks for the updates and for your example of strength!!!

