Follow along and read about how Ryan spent his final days surrounded by those he loved the most... his FAMILY.

You can follow my blog at: Our life in Letters to Ryan

June 4, 2010

Not done yet...

Just wanted to let you all know that TEAM RYAN isn't done...

I have debated what to do with the blog and I think the BEST thing is to post all the wonderful memories that were made during Ryan's final weeks. I knew I couldn't end the blog with his passing. Ryan's love of life and his family, are so present in so many pictures that I just couldn't pass them up...

I can't wait to share them with you.

"...this earthly existence is merely a twinkle in the eye of eternity."
-Joseph B. Wirthlin


The Kindle Family said...

You're awesome! I hope everything went well for you and the kids these last couple of weeks! I have been checking everyday to see if you updated yet! Love ya!

Seth and Julie said...

You are SO right! Ryan didn't end with his passing and so Team Ryan shouldn't either. He'll always be here. He left us enough to reminisce about for a lifetime. Can't wait to see the pictures!

Just know that you've got your own little team behind you still Margie, only this time Ryan is the team capatin. Go Team Margie!

Jeanette said...

Yippee, I can't wait to see your amazing pictures, and hear about the memories you got to share with him. Your pictures catch so much, that words just can't describe. You guys have definitely reminded me to live life to the fullest and love those around me. And for that, I thank you! I wish I could give you a big hug right now. ;) I don't really know what to say, but know that we all love you Margie, and are here for ya.

Martinez Family said...

SMILES!! I think you are AMAAZING!:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

The Krohmers said...

I am so happy you have decided this... I am sure it wasn't an easy decision but I have checked every day to see if you were back. I look forward to you sharing his legacy! Hugs!

Your lymphoma family

Anonymous said...

Margie you are truly amazing! I felt silly continuing to check each day. I almost felt it was a sad book I was reading and needed the happyness to come before it ended. I am hoping and praying you will all be able to find great joy in your lives once again. My prayers aren't complete until I have asked our Father to bless and direct you.

Melissa Hartung

Paice Family said...

You are an amazing woman to be able to go through all these hard times and still be so dedicated. I am glad you decided to continue the blog. I can't wait to see all the fun pictures and memories you and your family were able to share. Ryan's memory will live on forever. He was always a wonderful friend to me, and an inspiration.

Ryanne said...


I'm so happy you're going to be doing this. Thank you,

Anonymous said...

We'll look forward to it hearing more about Ryan!
Is there a newspaper online somewhere where we can read Ryan's obituary?
--the White family

Brooke Hunt (aka Mr. Burns) said...

hooray! I've been checking daily! I can't wait to see it!
Love you & it was great to spend time with you this weekend!

Willis Family said...

Margie you are great! I think Julie has such a way with words so I echo her in saying Go Team Margie! and what a great captian you have!!! We love you!

Kinsey said...

Can't wait Margie! I've been thinking of you and your cute family and you continue to be in our prayers!!

Unknown said...

Hi Margie it's Tita L. I LOVE the quote, it says it all.
See you guys in July!!!
Hugs and Kisses

PONCIANO said...

I'm so excited you are going to add to the blog! THANK YOU for letting us be a part of this journey. It has brought tears to many of us! What a great book for your kids. You have done such a great job! I'm excited to see the rest!

Spencer Smith said...


I have truly appreciated the opportunity to follow this chapter of your life. In this life it is too easy to get caught up in the temporary, passing pursuits of this life. I am reminded by the example you and your wonderful family that there are things more important and precious. Thank you for bearing testimony of hope and faith by your actions. Bless you and your children and all your family at this time!

Kim said...

Thank you for this, Margie. We love you guys and are praying so hard for you!